Christmas is a season of giving and showing love to others especially the less endowed in society. It is with this accord and in the spirit giving, that BKQ Foundation put smiles on the faces of 200 kids in two orphanage homes in the Eastern region of Ghana.
On Wednesday December 27, 2022, BKQ foundation keeping to its promise of spreading love visited the Baptist School Complex and Orphanage (BASCO) and Kingdom Dynamic Future Home Ghana and donated 12 bags of rice, 4 bags of Maize, 3 bags of beans, 3 bags of gari, 40 packs of drinks,100 packs of drinking water, 2 gallons of cooking oil and half piece of cloth for 15 carers in the orphanage homes.
Speaking at the event Mr. Gideon Quashie expressed the joy and excitement that come to BKQ foundation any time they had the opportunity to give in support to those less privileged in society.
He added that BKQ foundation was formed after the death of their father and as a family, they decided to continue the love their late father shows to everyone that comes His way.
The group chairman of Allied Consortiums, Mr. Benjamin Quashie pledge to add the two orphanages to their charity projects and in their little way make them happy always.
The executive director Mr. Isaac Penni spoke on behalf of their mother company Allied Consortiums based in South Africa and noted that aside from the company dealing in real estate, oil and gas, and other subsidiaries, they also pride themselves on taking care of their cooperate social responsibility hence executing numerous charitable projects and putting smiles on the faces of young ones.
Aside from the children from both homes benefiting from the donation, each of the volunteers were also offered half pieces of cloth to show appreciation for the good work that they were doing for the children in their care.