On World Menstrual Hygiene Day, the BKQ Foundation partnered with the Tein branch of the University of Ghana, Distance Education to distribute 300 packs of sanitary towels.
This initiative aims to promote menstrual hygiene awareness and education. The collaboration highlights the importance of education and advocacy in addressing the stigma associated with menstruation.
By working with individuals and NGOs, we are progressing towards a more inclusive society where menstruation is accepted as a natural part of life.
Special recognition goes to the office of WOCOM for their dedication to this cause. Together, let’s break the silence, eliminate the stigma, and strive for a more inclusive world for all.
#bkqfoundation #smilewithbkq #endperiodpoverty #WorldMenstrualHygieneDay #menstrualhygienematters #ngo #breakthesilence #MakingaDifference